Festival Installation
Megan Walsh
Megan Walsh
Timeline 1 week
*Ring ring* "Hey! where are you?"
"Im at the Big Aul Bird! Meet me there yeah?"
"Im at the Big Aul Bird! Meet me there yeah?"
The Big Aul' Bird is a big chunky bird made from sustainable materials. It can serve as a meeting point when you've lost your mates at the festival, or just for a fun photo op! The Big Aul' Bird is hollow inside, so it can additionally be used for shelter when the bad weather hits. The installation is easy to transport, easy to build and is weatherproof.
Electric Picnic is an incredibly popular Irish Music Festival. Every year huge effort goes into the festival's installations. They asked IADT in 2020 to make wacky and fun installations. Due to COVID-19, everyone's fantastic concepts will stay concepts, at least for now.

Large glowing eyes, shelter from the elements and the handiest place to meet your mates when you lose them at a festival. Plus it’s a great photo op. The bird can also have light patterns projected onto it for snazzy night-time views.

You’ll find these Little Aul' Birds scattered around the festival grounds. Want to keep it? Grand! Want to return it to its guardian the Big Auld Bird? Even better!